Notes, notifications, and alarms

Use the following tools to create notes and to set notifications and alarms when an important change occurs.


When you are in any workflow tool, you can open the Notes window by selecting the Notes button . Use the top half of the pane to search for and reply to existing notes. Use the bottom half of the pane to add a new note. From Type, you can choose whether your comments are a note or an issue. You can view all notes from any workflow tool.

Notifications and Issues

Select the Notifications and Issues button to open the Notifications and Issues window. This window contains all the notifications that you have received. Standard notifications are listed on the left side of the window, and errors are listed on the right side of the window. The notifications display in this window until you clear them by selecting the Delete button . You can also delete individual notifications or errors. If you select some notifications, you will be redirected to a table.


When you are in any workflow tool, you can open the Alarm window by selecting the Alarm button . You can set an alarm on a saved view of a table or on a saved control chart. You can set an alarm to notify you via email, text message, or Minitab Connect notification.

With the Alarm window open, complete the following steps to set a new alarm.

  1. From Table, select the table for which you want to set an alarm.
  2. From Type, select the type of alarm.
    • Select one of the two View options to set an alarm for a saved view of a table. Use the save button on the Prep Tool to save a view of a table.
    • Select SPC (Any Point Errors) to set an alarm for a control chart. Use the save button on the SPC Tool to save a control chart.
  3. From the last dropdown list, selected the saved view or saved control chart for which you want to set an alarm.
  4. Select Add Alarm to open a new window.
  5. In the new window, enter a Name and Description. Then select the Type of alarm. The options depend on the type of alarm that you select. Also, you can specify an alarm to call a URL and search for existing alarms.
    Enter the email addresses that you want the alarm to notify and type a message. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
    Select to receive a Minitab Connect notification. In Users, select the people you want to receive the notifications. In Message, type the notification message.
    Select to have Minitab Connect send a text message. Enter the phone number and type a message. You can only enter one phone number.

    United States phone numbers must be 10 digits with any combination of parentheses, periods, dashes, and spaces as delimiters. Parentheses can only be used on the area code. International phone numbers must start with a + symbol and can contain up to 15 digits with no spaces or delimiters.

    Call URL

    Select to make an API request. For example, you could power down a machine, alert an internal or external group, or log additional information. You can only call a website that begins with https://. You cannot make more than 200 calls per hour or 1000 calls per day. The time zone for midnight is based on the time settings for your Connect subscription.

    From Method, choose either Get, Post, Put, Delete. Then enter the parameter and value for the alarm.

    Only Developer users can specify this process.


    If you set an alarm for a control chart, you can select Advanced to choose the tests you want to include in the alarm.

  6. Select Save.