The Minitab Connect OData API

Open Data Protocol (OData) defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. Minitab Connect OData Version 4 API has made it easier than ever to connect from any external source. Currently the data is read only. You cannot make any updates to the data through this API.

A single user cannot make API requests more than 20 times per second and 1,000 per minute. All users on a Connect subscription cannot make more than 200 requests per second and 10,000 per minute.

Base URL

The base URL is the same regardless of the specific API request that you make. To determine what your base URL should be, copy the URL that you use to log into Minitab Connect and add /api/odata_v4/. For example, if you use to access Minitab Connect, then the base URL for all your OData API requests is:

Authentication methods

Informs the system that the request should be processed with the same permissions as the specified user. Authentication is represented by an API Key. An API Key is a unique string of characters that gives access to a feature in the tool. To create an API key, open User Menu in the top right and select Account Settings. For more information, go to Generate an API token.

There are three different authentication methods.

Query String API Key
A GET or POST Parameter named 'apikey' that contains a token that the Connect Account Settings page generates. For example,[apikey], where you replace 'apikey' with the actual API key.
Header API Key
A HTTP Header named ‘X-Api-Key’ that contains a token that the Connect Account Settings page generates.
Basic Web Authentication
Your username is your Connect username or email address. The password is a token that the Connect Account Settings page generates.


Base endpoint -
Returns a list of entity sets that are the tables and views that the user has access to.

Connect remotes all non A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -(hyphen), and _(underscore) characters from entities (records), entity sets (tables and views), and properties. Connect appends "_t" for tables and "_v" for views plus an ID to entity and entitty set names to guarantee a unique name. For example:

  • TableName_t38
  • ViewName_v2

Metadata endpoint -$metadata
Returns XML Data Definition of all entities, entity sets, and properties.
Entity Set endpoint -[EntitySet]
Returns records from the entity set (table or view). By default, the order matches the order in Base or the order on the View. Replace the ’EntitySet’ with the corresponding Minitab Connect table or view name. You can return the names of all tables and views from the Base Endpoint.
The entity set endpoint currently only supports three functions:
$count -[EntitySet]/?$count
Returns the number of records
$top -[EntitySet]/?$top=[number]
Returns 'number' records from the entity set. Both the default and the maximum are 5,000 records. You can combine with $skip to page through all the records.
$skip -[EntitySet]/?$skip=[number]
Skips 'number' records. You can combine with $top to page through all the records.

The entity set endpoint does not currently support the $filter, $select, $orderby, or $expand functions. You can create the same effect of $filter, $select, and $orderby using the Prep Tool in Minitab Connect and creating a saved view of your table.

Entity endpoint -[EntitySet]([sys_id])/

Returns an entity (one record), identified by ‘sys_id’, from the specified ‘EntitySet’.