There is a standard set of tools on the header bar located at the top of your screen.
Dashboard title
Minitab Connect displays the title in the top left corner. You can select the title and edit it.
View the published version of the dashboard. You must be in preview mode to adjust any filters you add to the dashboard.
Auto Update
Select to update the dashboard every 15 seconds.
Save changes to the dashboard. The first time you save the dashboard, the Save Dashboard dialog opens. From this dialog you can select a name and folder for the dashboard. Save As is located under the ellipsis in the header bar.
Select the ellipsis in the header bar to access the following options.
Provides two links to view the dashboard. You can share an Internal Link with anyone that has a Connect subscription. You can share a Public Link with anyone, even if they don't have a Connect login, because Connect appends a restricted API key to the URL.

Only users with the Admin and Developer roles can share a Public Link.

Manage Alerts
Enable, disable, edit, or delete your current alerts. For more information on how to create an alert, go to Process Control for control charts and select "Add reference lines and alerts to control charts".
Access Settings
Give User Groups access to the dashboard.
Delete Dashboard
Delete the dashboard.