Round date/time data

Data > Date/Time > Round Date/Time

Complete the following steps to round values date/time values in a column.

  1. In Round values from this column, enter the column that contains the values to round.
  2. In Store the rounded values in, enter a column number (for example, C2) or a column name.
  3. From Round off units smaller than, select the unit to round to.
  4. From Method, select the rounding method:
    • Round down: Round down to the nearest whole unit.
    • Round up: Round up to the nearest whole unit.
    • Round to nearest: Round down or up to the nearest whole unit. Minitab uses the following midpoints to determine whether to round up or down.
      Unit Midpoint
      Day The midpoint for any day is noon (12:00 PM).
      Week The midpoint for any week is noon (12:00 PM) on the 4th day of that week. For example, if your system settings specify Sunday as the first day of the week. Then, the midpoint for the week is noon on Wednesday.
      Month The midpoint for any month is midnight (12:00 AM) on the beginning of the 16th day of the month, regardless of how many days are in the particular month. For example, the midpoint for February each year is midnight on the 16th. Dates and times for the 15th and earlier in the month are rounded down. Dates and times for the 16th and later in the month are rounded up.
      Quarter The midpoint for each of the 4 quarters of the year is the midpoint for the middle month of that quarter:
      • The midpoint for Q1 is midnight (12:00 AM), the beginning of the day February 16th.
      • The midpoint for Q2 is midnight (12:00 AM), the beginning of the day May 16th.
      • The midpoint for Q3 is midnight (12:00 AM), the beginning of the day August 16th.
      • The midpoint for Q4 is midnight (12:00 AM), the beginning of the day November 16th.
      Year The midpoint for each year is midnight (12:00 AM), the start of the day July 1. Dates and times for June 30 and earlier in the year are rounded down. Dates and times for July 1 and later in the year are rounded up.