Store statistics for CART® Regression

Stat > Predictive Analytics > CART® Regression > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

For more details on any of these statistics, go to All statistics and graphs.

Additional K larger than optimal trees for selecting alternative trees; K=
In most cases, Minitab stores K trees larger than the tree that is in the results and all the smaller trees. In the results, you can click Select an Alternative Tree to look at the model summary statistics and produce results for these stored trees.
The number of trees that Minitab stores changes in two routine cases.
  • Minitab stores less than K trees when the largest possible tree is less than K trees from the tree in the results. This case always occurs when the tree does not have validation because the tree in the results is the largest tree; this case can also occur for trees with validation.
  • Minitab always stores enough trees to include the tree with the highest R2 value or the least absolute deviation value, depending on the criterion for splitting the nodes. Minitab stores more than K trees when the tree in the results is more than K trees from the best tree for the criterion.
Minitab stores the fitted response value for each record in the column Fit.
Minitab stores the residual for each record in the column Resi.
Percent residual
Minitab stores the percent residual for each record in the column PResi.
Standard deviation (StDev)
Minitab stores the standard deviation for each record in the column StDev.
Mean squared error (MSE)
Minitab stores the mean square error for each record in the column MSE.
Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
Minitab stores the mean square error for each record in the column MAD.
Mean absolute percent error (MAPE)
Minitab stores the mean absolute percent error for each record in the column MAPE.
Terminal node ID
Minitab stores the terminal node ID in the column TNodeId.