Select the results to display for Analyze Binary Response for Definitive Screening Design

Stat > DOE > Screening > Analyze Binary Response > Results
Specify the options for the results.
Display of Results
  • Simple tables: Display the simpler version of all tables.
  • Expanded tables: Display the expanded versions of the Analysis of Variance, the Coefficients, the Model Summary, and the Fits and Diagnostics tables.
Display a table that summarizes the non-default settings.
Response information
Display the number of events and the number of non-events in the response variable.
Iteration information
Display the deviance at each iteration of the parameters.
Analysis of variance
Display the ANOVA table.
Model summary
Display the statistics that evaluate the model fit, including deviance R2, Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), the corrected Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
Display the coefficients, standard error of the coefficients, and the VIF's. The expanded table adds the confidence intervals and the test results that use the Wald normal approximation. If your model contains categorical predictors, the drop-down list is enabled so that you can control how many coefficients for categorical predictors are in the table.
  • Default coefficients: Display all the linearly independent coefficients of the blocks.
  • Full set of coefficients: Display the coefficients for all blocks, which includes the final, linearly dependent, level.
Odds ratios
Display the odds ratios for each continuous predictor and each level of the categorical predictors. The output does not show the odds ratios for the predictors that are in interaction terms.
Binary logistic regression equation
Display the regression equation. If your model contains categorical predictors, the drop-down list is enabled so that you can control how many equations are displayed.
Goodness-of-fit tests
Display the Pearson, the deviance, and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit tests.
Frequencies for Hosmer-Lemeshow test
Display the observed and the expected frequencies that determine the fit for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.
Measures of association
Display concordant, discordant, and tied pairs, and the summary measures, including Somers' D, Goodman-Kruskal Gamma, and Kendall Tau-a.
Alias structure:
Display the alias table.
  • Display default terms: Display aliasing among all of the second order terms.
  • Display terms up through order: Select 1 to verify only that no main effects are aliased with each other. Normally, definitive screening designs do not alias main effects, but some cases exist. For example, main effects can be aliased if some of the design settings change from the settings in the original design.
Fits and diagnostics
  • Only for unusual observations: Display the fits, the residuals, and the diagnostic statistics for only the unusual observations.
  • For all observations: Display the fits, the residuals, and the diagnostic statistics for all observations.
Display the means that you specified in the Options sub-dialog box.