Enter your data for Fit Regression Model

Stat > Regression > Regression > Fit Regression Model

Complete the following steps to specify the columns of data that you want to analyze.

  1. In Responses, enter one or more columns of numeric data that you want to explain or predict. The response is also called the Y variable.
  2. In Continuous predictors, enter the columns of numeric data that may explain or predict changes in the response. The predictors are also called X variables.
  3. In Categorical predictors, enter the categorical classifications or group assignments, such as a type of raw materials, that may explain or predict changes in the response. The predictors are also called X variables.
In this worksheet, Strength is the response and contains the strength measurements of a sample of synthetic fibers. Temperature is a continuous predictor and Machine is a categorical predictor. The predictors may explain differences in fiber strength. The first row of the worksheet shows that the first sample of fiber has a strength measurement of 40, has a temperature of 136, and was produced on Machine A.
C1 C2 C3
Strength Temperature Machine
40 136 A
53 142 A
32 119 B
36 127 A
42 151 B
45 121 B