Interpret the key results for Create Mixture Design

Use the summary of the design to examine the key design properties. Most properties of the design match selections that you made for the base design during design creation. This output shows an extreme vertices design. However, the interpretation is the same for a simplex centroid design and a simplex lattice design. For a more in depth look at each type of design, go to the examples for simplex centroid, simplex lattice, and extreme vertices.

The design summary table contains information about the following properties of your design:
  • Components are the ingredients that make up the mixture.
  • Process variables are experimental factors that are not part of the mixture but may affect the blending properties of the mixture.
  • Design points are the experimental conditions at which the response is measured. To perform the experiment, create the specific blend of the mixture for each design point and measure the response for each blend.
  • The degree of the design determines where design points are placed within the design space. To see a diagram that illustrates this concept, go to Choose a mixture design.
  • The mixture total describes the amount of the mixture that is used in the experiment. That is, the sum of the components must be equal to the mixture total.

To graphically display the design space and design points after you create a mixture design, create a Simplex Design Plot.

Design Summary

Components: 3Design points:14
Process variables:1Design degree:1
Mixture total: 1.00000
Key output: Design summary

This extreme vertices design includes 3 components, 1 process variable, and 14 design points. The mixture total is 1 for this design.