Enter and label the causes for Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Stat > Quality Tools > Cause-and-Effect
By default, Minitab creates a cause-and-effect diagram that has 6 branches and default branch labels. You can draw a blank diagram, or a diagram that is filled in as much as you like, including sub-branches.

You can change or add branches after you create a cause-and-effect diagram. Right click on the cause-and-effect diagram and choose Graph Options.

Complete the following steps to enter and label the causes.
  1. Under Causes, select In column or Constants from the drop-down menu.
    • In column: Enter the column that contains the causes. Values in the columns can contain up to 72 characters.
    • Constants: Type the list of causes directly into the dialog box. Use a blank space between causes. If a cause contains multiple words, enclose the cause in double quotation marks. For example, "Operator training".

    Odd branches are on top (5, 3, then 1, left to right), and even branches are on the bottom (6, 4, then 2). To display a diagram with the main branches but no causes, do not enter any columns or type any causes.

  2. Under Label, enter the labels that you want to display or keep the default branch labels. The default branch labels for branches 1 through 6 are Personnel, Machines, Materials, Methods, Measurements, and Environment. To display a blank diagram, select Do not label the branches.