Store statistics for Nominal Logistic Regression

Stat > Regression > Nominal Logistic Regression > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

For more details on any of these statistics, go to All statistics and graphs.

Characteristics of Estimated Equation

Minitab stores the estimated coefficients for the fitted model in the column COEF1.
Standard error of coefficients
Minitab stores these values in the column SECO1.
Variance/covariance matrix
Minitab stores the variance-covariance matrix in a matrix called XPWX1. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Log-likelihood for last iteration
Minitab stores the log-likelihood value for the last iteration in a constant called LOGL1. To view the constant, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the constant to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Constants to Column.

Event probabilities and/or aggregated data

Number of trials
Minitab stores the number of trials for each factor–covariate pattern in the column called NTRI1.
For the remaining two storage items
Enter the number of events
Enter the number of events for the response variable. For example, if the response variable includes the levels Blue, Red, and Green, you enter 3.
Event probabilities
Minitab stores the predicted event probabilities, one column for each event in the response. These values are stored in the columns called EPRO1, EPRO2, EPRO3, and so on.
Number of occurrences
Minitab stores the number of occurrences for each factor–covariate pattern, one column for each event in the response. These values are stored in the columns called NOCC1, NOCC2, NOCC3, and so on.