Enter your data for Simplex Design Plot

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Simplex Design Plot

Complete the following steps to specify the variables that you want to graph.

  1. Under Components, select the option that displays the type and number of variables that you want to plot. If an option is not available, your design has an insufficient number of the type of variable that is required.
    • Select a triplet of components for a single plot: Choose to plot three components. You must select one component to display on each of the three axes.
    • Select four components for a matrix plot: Choose to display four simplex design plots in a single page layout. Then, choose four components from the drop-down list.
    • Generate plots for all triplets of components: Choose to generate plots for all triplets of components. You must also choose whether you want to display all plots on separate panels of one graph or in separate graphs.
  2. Under Component Unit in Plot(s), choose whether you want to display the components in amounts, proportions, or pseudocomponents.
  3. Under Point Labels, select the option that displays the type of point labels that you want to plot.
    • None: Select to suppress display of the point labels.
    • Run Order: Select to use the run order for the point labels.
    • Replicates: Select to use the number of times a point is replicated for the point labels. Only points that are replicated are labeled.
    • Point Type: Select to use the point type for the point labels.
  4. Select Include process variables if you want to include the process variables on the simplex design plot.
  5. Select Include mixture amount variable if you want to include the mixture amount variable on the simplex design plot.
  6. Select Plot all level combinations if you want to display a plot of the component levels for each combination of process variable levels. If you do not select this, each process variable is fixed at a holding level.
  7. Select Plot all mixture amounts if you want to display a plot of the component levels for each mixture amount. If you do not select this, the mixture amount is fixed at a holding level.