Specify the default settings for the display of results for stability studies

File > Options > Linear Models > Stability Study

Specify which stability study results to display by default. The results that you can display depend on whether you include a batch factor and whether the batch factor is fixed or random. You can also choose the default significance level (denoted by α or alpha) for pooling batches. The changes you make to the defaults remain until you change them again, even after you exit Minitab.

Alpha for pooling batches
Specify the significance level for model selection.
Use one spec limit to calculate shelf life
Select this option when the response variable has two specification limits, but only one limit is relevant for the shelf life. The selection adjusts the confidence level to produce a one-sided bound when you enter two specification limits. For example, if the confidence level is 95% and you select this option, then the confidence level for the single bound that is relevant to the shelf life is also 95%. If you do not select this option, then the confidence level for both bounds is 97.5%. The single 95% bound gives a longer shelf life.
For example, a medication has an upper specification limit of 12.5 micrograms and a lower specification limit of 12 micrograms. In storage, the medication degrades, but never increases in strength. Only the lower specification limit is relevant to the shelf life.
Display of results
Analysis of variance
Display the ANOVA table that includes the sums of squares by source and the p-values when batch is a fixed factor.
Marginal fitted equation (for random batch)
Display the marginal fitted equation when batch is a random factor.
Conditional fits and diagnostics
If batch is a random factor, you can display conditional fits, residuals, and diagnostics. Minitab displays this table only if one of the random terms—Batch or the Batch x Time interaction—are included in the final model. For more information, go to Marginal fits and residuals versus conditional fits and residuals.
  • Only for unusual observations: Display conditional fits, residuals, and diagnostics for only the unusual observations.
  • For all observations: Display conditional fits, residuals, and diagnostics for all observations.