Recode using a conversion table

Data > Recode > Use Conversion Table

Complete the following steps to recode data using a conversion table.

  1. In Recode values in the following column, enter the column that contains the data to change.
  2. From Columns containing the conversion table, select the conversion table:
    • Current values: Enter the column that contains the list of current values.
    • Recoded values: Enter the column that contains the values that you want to use instead of the current values.
  3. From Storage location for the recoded column, select one of the following storage locations:
    • At the end of the current worksheet: Put the recoded column after the last column that contains values in the worksheet.
    • In a specified column of the current worksheet: Put the recoded data in the column that you specify. In Column, enter a storage column for the recoded data. You can enter an existing column or a name for a new column.
  4. Select Show summary table to display a summary of the executed command.