Create a line plot of multiple Y variables, with symbols

Graph > Line Plot > With Symbols > Multiple Y’s

Complete the following steps to specify the data for your graph.

  1. From Function, select the function of the data that you want to graph.
  2. In Graph variables, enter multiple columns of numeric or date/time data that you want to graph.
  3. In Categorical variable for grouping, enter the column of categorical data that defines groups.
  4. From Grouping by Graph Variables, select one of the following:
    • Graph variables are X-scale groups: Graph variables are the groups on the X-scale. On the graph below, graph variables are the X-scale groups.
    • Graph variables are legend groups: Graph variables are the series, identified on the legend and the categorical variable defines the X-scale groups.

In this worksheet, Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 are the graph variables. Machine is the categorical variable for grouping. The graph shows a series for each machine of the fill weight of a food product produced each week.

C1 C2 C3 C4
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Machine
5.09 5.57 6.73 1
5.43 5.21 5.31 2
4.68 5.76 7.19 1
... ... ... ...