Enter your data for Descriptive Statistics (Tables)

Stat > Tables > Descriptive Statistics

Under Categorical Variables, enter the columns of data to create a table of summary statistics.

  1. In For rows, enter the columns that contain the categories that define the rows of the table.
  2. In For columns, enter the columns that contain the categories that define the columns of the table.
  3. In For layers, enter the columns that contain the categories that define the layers of two-way tables. Minitab creates separate two-way tables for each level of the layering variable. For more information on table layout options, go to Arrangement of output tables.
  4. (Optional) In Frequencies are in, enter the column that contains the frequency counts.
In this worksheet, Gender contains the row variable, Smokes contains the column variable, and Activity contains the layering variable.
C1-T C2-T C3-T
Gender Smokes Activity
Male No Moderate
Female No Moderate
Male Yes Slight
Male Yes A lot
In this worksheet, Gender contains the row variable, Smokes contains the column variable, and Activity contains the layering variable. Count is the frequency column and indicates the number of instances of each combination of gender, smoking status, and activity level. For example, the first row of the worksheet shows that the study includes 12 males who are non-smokers and who have a moderate activity level.
C1-T C2-T C3-T C4
Gender Smokes Activity Count
Male No Moderate 12
Female No Moderate 15
Male Yes Moderate 4
Female Yes Moderate 5