Add panels to an existing graph (Panels tab)

You can divide an existing graph into separate panels for each level of a categorical variable. For example, both of these individual value plots illustrate the same data. The second plot displays separate panels for each level of Energy Source.

No panels
Paneled by Energy Source
To add panels, complete the following steps:
  1. Right-click the graph and choose Panel.
  2. In By variables with groups in separate panels, enter a variable to specify the panels.

Create a separate panel or a separate graph for each group (By Variables tab)

When you create the graph, you can display groups in separate panels or separate graphs. For example, in this boxplot, the data for each level of the variable, Energy Source are displayed in a separate panel.

C1 C2 C3-T
Process 1 Process 2 Energy Source
50 32 A
46 31 B
45 30 A
... ... ...

When you create the graph, click Multiple Graphs. On the By Variables tab, enter the grouping variable in the appropriate box: By variables with groups in separate panels or By variables with groups on separate graphs.


Do not use the same variable for paneling and for grouping in the same graph. For example, if you enter C1 in By variables with groups in separate panels, do not enter C1 in Categorical variables for grouping (1-4, outermost first).

Create a separate panel or a separate graph for each Y variable (Multiple Variables tab)

When you create a graph that includes multiple Y variables, you can display each y variable in a separate panel or a separate graph. For example, the following interval plot displays each y variable Flash Recovery and Volts After in a separate panel.

C1 C2 C3-T
Flash Recovery Volts After Formulation
4.49 1.342 Old
4.89 1.449 Old
4.12 1.246 New
... ... ...

Follow these steps to create a graph like this one.

  1. Choose the graph from the Graph menu.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For a boxplot, an interval plot, or an individual value plot, select One Y, Simple or One Y, With Groups.
    • For a line plot, select either of the One Y options.
    • For a bar chart, select One Y, Simple, One Y, Cluster, or One Y, Stack.
    • For all other graphs, choose any option.
  3. Enter the variables.
  4. Click Multiple Graphs.
  5. Choose In separate panels of the same graph. (To show each Y variable in a separate graph, choose On separate graphs.)
  6. (Optional) To use the same range on the y-axes of each panel, select Same Y.

    You can also double-click the y-axis after you create the graph, while the graph is in editing mode, and select Same scale range for all panels on the Scale tab.

Change fonts for panel labels

To change the font, color, style, or size of the panel labels, click the Font tab.

You can also double-click the panel label after you create the graph, while the graph is in editing mode, and change options on the Font tab.

Include Y variable names in panel labels

By default, when you panel by Y variables, Minitab displays the variable names in the panel labels. To remove the variable names, click the Options tab and deselect Graph variable name. For example, the panel labels for the first boxplot include the Y variable names, Discoloration Defects and Clump Defects. The panel labels for the second boxplot do not include the Y variable names.

Graph variable name selected (default)
Graph variable name not selected

Alternate tick marks between panels

By default, Minitab displays tick marks on the opposite sides of adjacent panels. To display tick marks on the same side for every panel, click the Options tab, and choose Don’t alternate panels.

Alternate panels (default)
Don’t alternate panels

Change the arrangement of rows and columns for panels

To change the number of rows and columns, click the Arrangement tab, choose Custom, then specify the number of rows and columns.

3 columns, 2 rows
2 columns, 3 rows

Change the margins between panels

To change the gap between panels, click the Arrangement tab and change the number in Margins between panels.

Margin = 0
Margin = 0.04