Specify design modifications for Modify Design

Stat > DOE > Modify Design

Select how you want to modify the design.

Modify factors in inner array

Modify the factor names and the factor settings.

  1. Under Modification, select Modify factors in inner array.
  2. If you want to preserve the current worksheet, select Put modified design in a new worksheet.
  3. Click Specify and fill out the sub-dialog box. For more information, go to Modify factors in inner array.

Add signal factor

Add a signal factor to an existing static design. You can specify the factor name and levels.

  1. In Modification, select Add signal factor.
  2. If you want to preserve the current worksheet, select Put modified design in a new worksheet.
  3. Click Specify and fill out the sub-dialog box. For more information, go to Add signal factor.

Modify signal factor

Ignore an existing signal factor and treat the design as non-dynamic (static). You can also add new levels to an existing signal factor.

  1. In Modification, select Modify signal factor.
  2. If you want to preserve the current worksheet, select Put modified design in a new worksheet.
  3. Click Specify and fill out the sub-dialog box. For more information, go to Modify signal factor.