Store statistics for Nonnormal Capability Analysis for Multiple Variables

Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Multiple Variables (Nonnormal) > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

The statistics that are available for storage depend on the options that you select for the analysis. For more details on any of these statistics, go to All statistics and graphs.

Process data statistics that you can store

Variable name
Store the name of the column of measurements used for the analysis. Minitab stores the information in the column VarName1.
Store the lower specification limit. Minitab stores the value in the column LSL1.
Store the target of the process. Minitab stores the value in the column Target1.
Store the upper specification limit. Minitab stores the value in the column USL1.
Store the process mean. Minitab stores the value in the column Mean1.
Sample N
Store the sample size used for the analysis. Minitab stores the value in the column SampleN1.
Store the location parameter of the distribution used for the analysis. Minitab stores the value in the column Location1.
Store the shape parameter of the distribution used for the analysis. Minitab stores the value in the column Shape1.
Store the scale parameter of the distribution used for the analysis. Minitab stores the value in the column Scale1.
Store the threshold parameter of the distribution used for the analysis. Minitab stores the value in the column Threshold1.

Overall capability statistics that you can store

Pp or Z.Bench
Store the overall capability measure Pp or Z.Bench. Minitab stores the result in the column Pp/ZBen1.
Store the overall capability measure for the lower specification limit PPL or Z.LSL. Minitab stores the value in the column PPL/ZL1.
Store the overall capability measure for the upper specification limit PPU or Z.USL. Minitab stores the value in the column PPU/UL1.
Store the overall capability statistic Ppk. Minitab stores the value in the column Ppk1.

Observed performance statistics that you can store

PPM or % < LSL
Store the observed parts per million (or observed percentage) less than the lower specification limit. Minitab stores the value in the column <LSL1.
PPM or % > USL
Store the observed parts per million (or observed percentage) greater than the upper specification limit. Minitab stores the value in the column >USL1.
PPM or % Total
Store the observed parts per million (or observed percentage) outside of the specification limits. Minitab stores the value in the column Total1.

Expected "overall" performance statistics that you can store

PPM or % < LSL
Store the expected parts per million (or expected percentage) less than the lower specification limit, based on the overall variation. Minitab stores the value in the column O<LSL1.
PPM or % > USL
Store the expected parts per million (or expected percentage) greater than the upper specification limit, based on the overall variation. Minitab stores the value in the column O>USL1.
PPM or % Total
Store the expected parts per million (or expected percentage) outside of the specification limits, based on the overall variation. Minitab stores the value in the column OTotal1.