Copy matrices to matrices

Data > Copy > Matrices to Matrices

Complete the following steps to make a copy of one or more matrices and store them with the specified worksheet.

  1. In Copy from matrices, enter the stored matrices to copy (for example, M1 M2 M3).
  2. From Store Copied Data in Matrices, select the storage location.
    • In new worksheet: You can enter a name for the new worksheet to copy the matrices to.
    • In following worksheet, after last matrix used: Enter the name of an open worksheet to copy the matrices to.
    • In current worksheet, in matrices: Enter the matrices to copy to (for example, M4 M5 M6).
  3. To include names for the matrices in addition to the matrices numbers, select Name the matrices containing the copied data.

    To name or rename a matrix, use the NAME session command. For example, to name the matrix M1 "My Matrix", enter the following at the command prompt: NAME M1 "My Matrix".

  4. To specify the rows of the matrices to include or exclude, click Subset the Data and select one of the following:
    • Include rows numbered: Include the rows that you specify.
    • Exclude rows numbered: Exclude the rows that you specify.
  5. Click OK in each dialog box.