Modify the control limits for EWMA Chart

Stat > Control Charts > Time-Weighted Charts > EWMA > EWMA Options > Limits

Display additional σ limits at

In These multiples of the standard deviation, enter one or more values to display additional standard deviation lines on your control chart.

For example, you can display additional limits at ±1 and ±2 standard deviations. Values that you enter affect only the line position on the control chart, not the test results.
Default 3 sigma limits
Additional sigma limits at 1 and 2 standard deviations

Place bounds on control limits

You can specify a lower bound and an upper bound for the control limits. If the calculated control limit is farther from the center line than the value that you specify, Minitab displays the bound instead of the control limit. Minitab labels the lower bound as LB and the upper bound as UB.


Upper bounds and lower bounds do not affect the calculations for any of the tests for special causes.

Smooth control limits

By default, Minitab calculates the control limits using the actual subgroup sizes. In the EWMA chart, even with constant subgroups sizes, the control limits steadily converge after more and more points are plotted. When the subgroup sizes differ, you can make the convergence look smoother by assuming a constant subgroup size. Under When subgroup sizes are unequal, calculate control limits, select Assuming all subgroups have size, and enter a subgroup size.

This option is especially useful when all subgroups were intended to be the same size, but some subgroups are a different size. For example, some subgroups are smaller because of missed measurements. In that case, set the subgroup size to the intended size.


When you specify a subgroup size, you change the calculations for the control limits, which can change the results of the tests for special causes. Use this option only if the differences between the subgroup sizes are small. Don't use this option when the difference between subgroup sizes is more than 25%. For example, if the largest subgroup has 10 observations and the smallest subgroup has 8 observations, then the difference is 20% ((10 – 8) / 10 = 0.2 = 20%).

For example, the data for the following charts is the same, but the control limits for the second chart were calculated based on a fixed subgroup size.

Actual subgroup sizes
Fixed subgroup size