Store statistics for Analyze Binary Response for Factorial Design

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Binary Response > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

For more details on any of these statistics, go to All statistics and graphs.

Statistics that you can store

Fits (event probabilities)
Minitab stores the fitted values in the column FITS.
Minitab stores the residuals in the column DEVRES. If you choose Pearson for Residuals for diagnostics in the Options sub-dialog, Minitab names the column PEARRES.
Standardized residuals
Minitab stores the standardized residuals in the column SDEVRES. If you choose Pearson for Residuals for diagnostics in the Options sub-dialog, Minitab names the column SPEARRES.
Deleted residuals
Minitab stores the deleted residuals in the column TDEVRES. If you choose Pearson for Residuals for diagnostics in the Options sub-dialog, Minitab names the column TPEARRES.
Minitab stores the leverages in the column HI.
Cook's distance
Minitab stores the Cook's distances in the column COOK.
Minitab stores the DFITS in the column DFIT.
Minitab stores the effects in the column EFFE.
Minitab stores the coefficients in the column COEF.
Design matrix
Minitab stores the design matrix in a matrix called XMAT. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Variance-covariance matrix
Minitab stores the variance-covariance matrix in a matrix called XPWX. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Delta chi-square
Minitab stores the delta chi-square values in the column DCHI.
Delta deviance
Minitab stores the delta deviance values in the column DDEV.
Delta beta (standardized)
Minitab stores the standardized delta beta values in the column DSBE.
Delta beta
Minitab stores the delta beta values in the column DBET.
Minitab stores the means that you specify in the Options sub-dialog box in the columns SMEA.