Overview for Rank

Use Rank to assign rank scores to values in a column from the smallest to the largest value. Ties are assigned the average rank for that value. Missing values are not included. Ranks are used to calculate some nonparametric statistics. You also can use Rank to find the largest or smallest value in a column.

For example, a manager ranks months by the number of sick days that are requested. The rank for March is 1 because March has the smallest number of sick days. April and May are tied for the ranks of 2 and 3. Therefore, each are assigned the average rank of 2.5.

C1-D C2 C3
Month Sick Days Ranks of Sick Days
January 67 5.0
February 51 4.0
March 22 1.0
April 28 2.5
May 28 2.5

Where to find this command

To rank data, choose Data > Rank.

When to use an alternate command

If you want to sort columns of data alphabetically or numerically, use Data > Sort.