Calculations for the mean pool and the variance pool for Allocate Gap Pools

Allocate the mean pool

Calculate adjusted means as follows:

μadj,i = μi + qiμPool


If you do not specify mean shift factors, then the mean pool = 0.

Allocate the variance pool

Calculate adjusted standard deviations as follows:

σ2adj,i = σ2i + riσ2Pool


If you do not specify variation expansion factors and you do not specify both gap specification limits, then the variance pool = 0.


CiDiametrical correction of the ith element
DiDrift factor for the ith element
NiComplexity of the ith element
SiShift factor for the ith element
σiStandard deviation of the ith element
σadj,iAdjusted standard deviation of the ith element
TGap targeted value (if not available, T = μGap,ST)
TiNominal value of the ith element
μiMean of the ith element
μadj,iAdjusted mean of the ith element
ViDirectional vector of the ith element
wiAllocation weight for the mean pool or the variance pool, ith element
Z.BenchGap,LTBenchmark Z (long-term) of the gap
Z.BenchGap,STBenchmark Z (short-term) of the gap
Z.Benchi,LTBenchmark Z (long-term) of the ith element
Z.Benchi,STBenchmark Z (short-term) of the ith element
ZPZ-value, which gives desired PPM (right tail) for long-term gap distribution