Customize templates

In Workspace, you can create and edit custom templates for your personal use. By default, Workspace saves custom templates to your Personal folder, but you can change this default location.

Form templates

You can customize a form or an analysis capture tool in design mode to define its layout, formatting, fonts, colors, and controls.

  1. From the navigator pane, select Add Tool.
  2. Choose Blank Form to create a new form or choose from several form tools to edit.
  3. On the Form menu, select Design. In design mode, you can use layout grids to align objects, insert controls, tables, and graphs and so on. For more information, go to Design a form.
  4. After you customize the form in design mode, switch to Fill Out mode to test it.
  5. In Fill Out mode, you can select Protect Form. Enter a password to turn on password protection.
  6. In Fill Out mode, choose File > Save As Template > Save As Form Template.
  7. Enter a description, a location, and a name for the template, then select Save.

Tool templates

You can customize a tool, such as a map or a brainstorm diagram, to define its formatting, fonts, colors, and default settings.

  1. From the navigator pane, select Add Tool.
  2. Select from several map and brainstorming tool templates. For information, go to the following topics.
  3. After you customize the tool, choose File > Save As Template > Save as [tool type] Template.
  4. Enter a description, a location, and a name for the template, then select Save.

Project templates

You can customize a project template to define the phases of a methodology as well as the forms and tools to use in each phase.

  1. Choose File > New.
  2. Select Custom Project to create a new project template, or select an existing project template to edit.
  3. In the Roadmap, you can add phases.
  4. To the phases, you can add forms, tools, and folders. You can also delete, move, or rename phases, forms, tools, and folders as necessary.
  5. After you complete the template, choose File > Save As Template > Save As Project Template.
  6. Enter a description, a location, and a name for the template, then select Save.

Specify where custom templates are saved

You can store custom templates on your computer or on a network location.
Personal folder
The default folder on your computer for the templates that you create. Only you can see the templates in this folder.
Workgroup folder
A network drive or SharePoint location that you specify for custom templates that you want to share with other team members. All team members must specify the same Workgroup folder and save their templates there.

To specify a new location for either folder, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the File Locations tab.
  3. Under Templates, select the Browse for button and specify the locations for your personal and shared templates. When you open a new project, any local templates that you create are pinned at the top of the list under the appropriate heading.