To share data values across tools, forms, and projects, you must first
connect the data-entry table to a Data Table category. Then, you must connect each form control in the data-entry table to a
specific data field within the selected category.
Insert a data-entry table that is connected to a category
When you connect a data-entry table to a Data Table category, the data values are shared across tools, forms, and projects.
- In Design mode, select the location on the
form where you want to add the data-entry table.
- Enter the number of columns to
include in the table.
- Select Connect the repeating rows to a data source , then select Select Data Source .
- In the Data Connection Setup dialog box, select the data
source of your choice, then select OK in each dialog box. The
data-entry table is added to the workspace.
- Double-click the form control in the
first column.

- In the form control dialog box,
select Select Data Field.
- In the Data Connection Setup dialog box, select a data field,
then select OK in each dialog box.
- Repeat the previous 3 steps until you
have connected each form control in the data-entry table to a corresponding data
field in the data source.
Insert a data-entry table that is not connected to a category
When you do not connect a data-entry table to a category, the data values are
not shared across tools, forms, or projects.
- In Design mode, select the location on the
form where you want to add the data-entry table.
- Enter the number of columns to include in the table.
- In the Insert Data-Entry Table dialog box, select Do not connect the repeating rows to a data source.
- Complete the dialog box to format the form control,
then select OK.
Format a data-entry table
After you insert the data-entry
table, you can format it to have any of the following features.