The Operator Dashboard is available through the Operations portal and displays the data sampling plans by station. The station view of the dashboard organizes the sampling plans by station, and the schedule view organizes the dashboard by the sampling plan schedule.

Station View

Organizes the sampling plans by station.

The Station View of the Operator Dashboard has the following main areas.
1: Manage stations
Select Manage Stations at the top of the dashboard to add or remove stations from this dashboard.
2: List of sampling plans by station
Lists each sampling plan and gives the option to skip the next collection.
3: Station status

The station is online. You can select whether the online station is Running, Idle, or Shutdown.

The station is offline.

4: Go to the station dashboard
Select the link to open the station dashboard.
5: Sampling plan schedule
Lists when each sampling plan is due or when the data were last imported. Select Start Collection to open the data collection form for a manual data collection.

Schedule View

Organizes the dashboard by sampling plan schedule. From this dashboard, an operator can start a data collection.

The Schedule View of the Operator Dashboard has the following main areas.
1: Manage stations
Select Manage Stations at the top of the dashboard to add or remove stations from this dashboard.
2: List of scheduled sampling plans
The scheduled plans are on the left in order of when the collection is due.
3: List of on-demand sampling plans
The on-demand plans are on the right, in alphabetical order.