For more information, go to When to use a nonnormal capability analysis.
Use Pareto charts when you have assignable cause and corrective actions to help focus your improvements efforts.
Binomial data are classified into one of two categories such as pass/fail or go/no-go. Binomial data are often used to calculate a proportion or a percentage, such as the percentage of sampled parts that are defective.
Poisson data are often used to model an occurrence rate, such as defects per unit.
Binomial data are classified into one of two categories such as pass/fail or go/no-go. Binomial data are often used to calculate a proportion or a percentage, such as the percentage of sampled parts that are defective.
You can monitor your defective count data separately, with one measure per control chart, or together, with several defective types on the same control chart. For more information, go to Group quality attributes or monitor separately.
Use Pareto charts to help focus your improvements efforts. Use Pareto charts to investigate the types of defects and defectives and the assignable causes and corrective actions. For more information, go to Pareto charts for defects and defectives.