Each time the configuration imports, Real-Time SPC creates an import log and updates the automated component list with the current import status. The import log contains details on the warnings and errors of your most recent import.

Import status

Real-Time SPC gives one of the following import statuses.
  • Setup Incomplete: The configuration setup is missing necessary details.
  • Ready: The configuration setup is complete but has never been run.
  • Running: The configuration import is in progress.
  • Completed: The configuration import is complete. Data have been imported without errors or warnings.
  • Completed with exceptions: The configuration import is complete. Review the import log for specific errors or warnings.
  • Failed: The configuration import failed. No rows of data have been imported.

If the import is successful, the import status is Completed and the log indicates the number of successfully created or updated components.

Each warning or error type is issued only once per log. With a Failed status, the errors terminate the entire import. With a Completed with exceptions status, the errors prevent the import of particular data rows.

Automated configurations are imported according to the schedule that you provide during setup. To import between scheduled runs, select the configuration and the Run button on the Automated Component Setup page.


The following table contains the various import errors.
responseCode Details

One or more required data columns no longer exist. Because the missing data column is required, this error terminates the entire import.


The linked data table or data view no longer exists.

This error terminates the entire import.


The configuration file has more than 100K records and cannot be imported.


The linked storage location no longer exists.

This error terminates the entire import.

ERROR_MISSING_IDS One or more component ids are missing. Any data rows with missing ids cannot be imported.
ERROR_CHARACTER_LENGTH One or more component ids exceed the maximum character length of 150. Any data rows with invalid ids cannot be imported.


The following table contains the various import warnings.
responseCode Details
WARNING_CHARACTER_LENGTH One or more component names exceed the maximum character length of 200. Any names that are too long will be truncated.

One or more control chart types do not match with the specified parameters. The specified control chart type is imported. Parameters are accepted only if all required parameters are provided and match the control chart type. Inconsistent parameters are ignored.

For more information, go to Control chart types.


One or more control chart types do not match with the specified subgroup size. Inconsistent chart types are replaced with the default chart type for the subgroup size.

If not specified, or if an invalid entry, the following defaults are used.
  • default = imr and subgroup size = 1 for continuous measures
  • default = c and subgroup size = 50 for defects
  • default = np and subgroup size = 100 for defectives
For more information, go to Control chart types and Subgroup size.

When list values are provided, the Select from a List collection method is used. Specified share within and retain day values are ignored.

WARNING_DUPLICATE_NAMES More than one name was detected for the same component. Only the last occurrence of the name is imported.

More than one severity was detected for the same defect type. Only the last occurrence of the severity level is imported.


Severity levels are used across the platform and should not be changed or deleted after setup. For more information, go to Defect Severity Levels.


One or more of the target values and specification limits are invalid.

One or more of the process values do not meet the following guidelines.
  • USL > LSL
  • LSL ≤ Target
  • USL ≥ Target
Because one or more of the target values and specification limits are inconsistent, no values are accepted, and capability statistics are unavailable.

One or more control chart types do not match the accepted formats. Incorrect values are replaced with the default control chart type for the subgroup size.

If not specified, or if an invalid entry, the following defaults are used.
  • default = imr, when subgroup size = 1
  • default = xbarr, when subgroup size ≥ 2.
  • default = c for defects
  • default = np for defectives
For more information, go to Control chart types.

One or more descriptor share values do not match the accepted formats. Incorrect values are replaced with the default share value, "Station".

The value (group) that you specify must match an existing hierarchy group. For more information, go to Descriptor variables.


One or more descriptor types do not match the accepted formats. Incorrect values are replaced with the default type, "Product".

For more information, go to Descriptor variables.


One or more descriptor uses do not match the accepted formats. Incorrect values are replaced with the default use, "Subgroup".

For more information, go to Descriptor variables.


The number of observations or subgroups for control limit calculations is not valid.

Number of observations ≥ 0 or Number of subgroups ≥ 0.

The incorrect number of observations or subgroups is replaced with the default number of observations or subgroups, based on the measurement type.
  • process measures or output measures, number of observations = 100.
  • defects, number of subgroups = 25.
  • defectives, number of subgroups = 25.

One or more parameters have missing or invalid values, so none of the parameters are accepted.

When specifying historical parameters, you must specify all parameters.
  • Specified standard deviations are ignored if mean is NULL.
  • Specified mean is ignored if standard deviation is NULL.
  • Both standard deviation values, as well as the mean, must be specified when chart = imrrs.
  • Specified mean is ignored if sigmaz is NULL for any SeverityLevel when chart = uprime.
  • Specified sigmaz is ignored if mean is NULL for any SeverityLevel when chart = uprime.
For more information on parameter requirements, go to Control chart limits.

One or more retain day values are invalid. Incorrect values are replaced with the default value of 7.

Specify an integer value between 0 and 365. For more information, go to Descriptor variables.


One or more subgroup sizes have missing or invalid values. Incorrect values are replaced with default values based on measure type.

If not specified, or if an invalid entry, the following defaults are used.
  • default subgroup size = 1, for continuous measures
  • default subgroup size = 50, for defects
  • default subgroup size = 100, for defectives

One or more of the weight values are invalid. Incorrect values are replaced with the default weight value of 0.2.

Weight values must be 0 ≤ weight ≤ 1. For more information, go to Weight.


Weights are only valid with EWMA charts. Weight is ignored.


One or more optional data columns no longer exist. Available columns continue to import as expected.


One or more component names are missing. The missing name is replaced with the corresponding id.


One or more severity levels are missing. Missing levels are replaced with the severity level that was added to the system first.