The Real-Time SPC API

The Real-Time SPCTM API has made it easier than ever to stream observation data for process and output measures directly into station data tables.
A Real-Time SPC API request requires three basic pieces of information: base url, endpoint, and API key.
Base URL
The base URL is the same regardless of the specific API request that is made. To determine what your base URL should be, simply copy the URL that you use to log into Real-Time SPC. For example, if you use to access Real-Time SPC, then the base URL for all your API requests is:
API requests must have endpoints in order to send and process data for process measures and output measures.

For example, Station is an endpoint for data streaming. To see an example of station data streaming request, go to Station endpoint for data streaming.

API key
For more information on creating API keys, go to Minitab Connect API