Stability report details

Minitab Model Ops displays the Stability report for the deployed champion model and the competing challengers on the Performance tab. Stability reports update daily.

When a deployment is paused, stability data are not logged. Stability data are logged only if a matching correlation id was found within the last 6 months. For information on uploading data and data requirements, go to the following topics.
Once you have stability data for your model, you can select the production period and date range for your report.

The Random Forest model was promoted on July 16.

Measures of performance for models with categorical response variables

Classification Accuracy
The classification accuracy indicates how often the model accurately classifies the events. Larger values indicate better performance.
The values for the area under the ROC curve usually range from 0.5 to 1. Larger values indicate a better classification model. When the model can perfectly separate the classes, then the area under the curve is 1. When the model cannot separate the classes better than a random assignment, then the area under the curve is 0.5.
For a multinomial response, the AUC is set to 0 under the following conditions.
  • If a class is missing from the actual values, then the AUC for that class is 0. For example, if a model includes the classes 1 to 5 but the stability data do not include any actual values of 4, then the AUC for 4 is 0.
  • If every actual value has the same class, then the AUC for all classes is 0. For example, if a model includes the classes 1 to 5 but the actual values are all 2, then the AUC is 0 for all classes.
Average Predicted Probability and Proportion of Event Cases
This graph displays either the average predicted probability of an event or the proportion of cases classified as an event over time.
  • When the production data period is daily, the plotted points are daily averages.
  • When the production data period is weekly, the plotted points are weekly averages.
  • When the production data period is monthly, the plotted points are monthly averages.

Measures of performance for models with continuous response variables

The higher the R2 value, the better the model fits your data.
The mean absolute deviation (MAD) expresses accuracy in the same units as the data, which helps conceptualize the amount of error. Outliers have less of an effect on MAD than on R2. Smaller values indicate a better fit.
Average Predicted Response
This graph displays the average predicted response over time.
  • When the production data period is daily, the plotted points are daily averages.
  • When the production data period is weekly, the plotted points are weekly averages.
  • When the production data period is monthly, the plotted points are monthly averages.

Examine stability reports

The tutorial has examples of stability reports. To see these examples, go to Examine stability reports.