Enter your data for Lag

Stat > Time Series > Lag

Complete the following steps to specify the columns of data that you want to analyze:

  1. In the table for Specify series and lags, enter each root column to lag in a separate row.
  2. In the Lags column, enter one or more positive integers. Separate multiple integers with spaces. Enter integers that are less than the length of the corresponding column.

    You can use a colon to denote consecutive numbers. For example, if you enter 5:10, the lag values are 5 6 7 8 9 10.

  3. Store lag columns:
    • At the end of the current worksheet: Put the lag columns after the last column that contains values in the worksheet.
    • In a new worksheet: Put the lag columns in a new worksheet. To store the root column in the new worksheet before the lag columns, select Include series.

    For example, an analyst wants to determine the moving range for the number of incoming technical support calls. The analyst has the following data in Worksheet 1:

    C1 C2
    Calls Week
    275 1
    312 2
    266 3
    306 4
    The column Calls represents the number of incoming technical support calls. The column Week represents the integer value of the week, where week 1 is the first week of the year. The analyst enters Calls under Series, and 1 2 under Lags. If the analyst selects At the end of the current worksheet, the lag columns will be appended to Worksheet 1.
    For the first lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 1 row and stores them in a new column after Week. For the second lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 2 rows and stores them in a new column after Calls_Lag1.
    C1 C2 C3 C4
    Calls Week Calls_Lag1 Calls_Lag2
    275 1 * *
    312 2 275 *
    266 3 312 275
    306 4 266 312
    If the analyst selects In a new worksheet, a new worksheet, Worksheet 2, is created. The lag columns will be added to Worksheet 2.
    For the first lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 1 row and stores them in the first column of Worksheet 2. For the second lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 2 rows and stores them in the second column of Worksheet 2.
    C1 C2
    Calls_Lag1 Calls_Lag2
    * *
    275 *
    312 275
    266 312
    If the analyst selects In a new worksheet and Include series, a new worksheet, Worksheet 3, is created. Calls and the lag columns will be added to Worksheet 3.
    The Calls column is stored in the first column of Worksheet 3. For the first lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 1 row and stores them in the second column of Worksheet 3. For the second lag, Minitab shifts the Calls column by 2 rows and stores them in the third column of Worksheet 3.
    C1 C2 C3
    Calls Calls_Lag1 Calls_Lag2
    275 * *
    312 275 *
    266 312 275
    306 266 312