What are percents for percentiles?

Percents for percentiles is the percent of items expected to fail by a particular time.

Suppose you want to know when 1% of the engine windings are expected to fail. Examine the Table of Percentiles from the distribution analysis to determine the percentile associated with the percent of interest.

Distribution Analysis: Temp80

Variable: Temp80

Censoring Censoring Information Count Uncensored value 37 Right censored value 13 Censoring value: Cens80 = 0

Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood

Distribution: Lognormal

Parameter Estimates Standard 95.0% Normal CI Parameter Estimate Error Lower Upper Location 4.09267 0.0719681 3.95161 4.23372 Scale 0.486216 0.0606247 0.380799 0.620816

Log-Likelihood = -181.625

Goodness-of-Fit Anderson-Darling (Adjusted) 67.800
Characteristics of Distribution Standard 95.0% Normal CI Estimate Error Lower Upper Mean(MTTF) 67.4153 5.55245 57.3656 79.2255 Standard Deviation 34.8145 6.79827 23.7435 51.0476 Median 59.8995 4.31085 52.0192 68.9735 First Quartile(Q1) 43.1516 3.29526 37.1531 50.1186 Third Quartile(Q3) 83.1475 7.37690 69.8763 98.9392 Interquartile Range(IQR) 39.9959 6.33317 29.3245 54.5505
Table of Percentiles Standard 95.0% Normal CI Percent Percentile Error Lower Upper 1 19.3281 2.83750 14.4953 25.7722 2 22.0674 2.92559 17.0178 28.6154 3 24.0034 2.97261 18.8304 30.5975 4 25.5709 3.00355 20.3126 32.1906 5 26.9212 3.02621 21.5978 33.5566 6 28.1265 3.04403 22.7506 34.7727 7 29.2276 3.05881 23.8074 35.8819 8 30.2501 3.07165 24.7910 36.9113 9 31.2110 3.08326 25.7170 37.8788 10 32.1225 3.09409 26.5962 38.7970 20 39.7837 3.20997 33.9646 46.5999 30 46.4184 3.41015 40.1936 53.6073 40 52.9573 3.75669 46.0833 60.8568 50 59.8995 4.31085 52.0192 68.9735 60 67.7517 5.15910 58.3584 78.6569 70 77.2958 6.45920 65.6184 91.0514 80 90.1863 8.58211 74.8412 108.678 90 111.696 12.8103 89.2100 139.849 91 114.958 13.5112 91.3052 144.738 92 118.610 14.3120 93.6288 150.255 93 122.759 15.2417 96.2426 156.581 94 127.565 16.3437 99.2372 163.979 95 133.276 17.6863 102.753 172.866 96 140.314 19.3873 107.026 183.955 97 149.477 21.6739 112.500 198.608 98 162.590 25.0764 120.175 219.977 99 185.634 31.3868 133.271 258.570

Probability Plot for Temp80

Parametric Hazard Plot for Temp80