You can save results from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected results after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same result multiple times.


If you want to store a result that is not active on this dialog box, you must first select the result on the Estimate or the Options subdialog box. For example, to store survival probabilities, you must click Estimate and select the options to estimate survival probabilities.

Enter number of levels in factor variable

If you have a factor in the model, enter the number of levels (groups) that the factor column contains. Minitab stores results for each group.

Residuals that you can store

Store the Pearson residuals. Minitab stores the values in the column PRES1.
Store the deviance residuals. Minitab stores the values in the column DRES1.

Characteristics of fitted distribution that you can store

Store the percentiles of the fitted distribution. Minitab stores the values in the column PERC1.
Percents for percentiles
Store the percents for the percentiles of the fitted distribution. Minitab stores the values in the column PPER1.
Standard error of percentiles
Store the standard error of the percentiles of the fitted distribution. Minitab stores the values in the column SEPE1.
Confidence limits for percentiles
Store the confidence limits for the percentiles of the fitted distribution. Minitab stores the values in the columns CLPE1 and CLPE2.
Stress for probabilities
Store the stress for survival probabilities or cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the value in SSTR1.
Survival probabilities
Store the survival probabilities. Minitab stores the value in SURV1.
Confidence limits for survival probabilities
Store the confidence limits for survival probabilities. Minitab stores the values in CLSU1 and CLSU1.
Cumulative failure probabilities
Store the cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the value in CFPR1.
Confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities
Store the confidence limits for the cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the values in CLCF1 and CLCF2.

Information on the estimated equation that you can store

Event probability
Store the probability of each event. Minitab stores the values in EPRO1.
Estimated coefficients
Store the estimated coefficients. Minitab stores the values in the column COEF1.
Standard error of estimates
Store the standard error of the estimated coefficients. Minitab stores the values in the column SECO1.
Variance/covariance matrix
Store the variance/covariance matrix. Minitab stores the matrix as VCCO1. To display the matrix, choose Data > Display Data and select VCCO1. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns and select VCCO1.
Natural response rate
Store the natural response rate. Minitab stores the value as the constant NATR1. To display the natural response value, choose Data > Display Data and select NATR1. To copy the natural response value to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Constants to Column and select NATR1.
Standard error of natural response
Store the standard error of the natural response rate. Minitab stores the value as the constant SENA1. To display the standard error of the natural response value, choose Data > Display Data and select SENA1. To copy the standard error of the natural response value to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Constants to Column and select SENA1.
Log-likelihood for last iteration
Store the log-likelihood for the last iteration. Minitab stores the value as the constant LOGL1. To display the log-likelihood value, choose Data > Display Data and select LOGL1. To copy the log-likelihood value to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Constants to Column and select LOGL1.