Select the graphs to display for Probit Analysis

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Probit Analysis > Graphs
Probability Plot
Display a probability plot to show the probability of failure at each stress level and to assess the fit of the distribution that you selected for the analysis.
Survival plot
Display a survival plot to show the proportion of units that survive at each stress level.
Cumulative failure plot
Display a cumulative failure plot to show the cumulative probability that an item fails at stress levels that are less than or equal to the given stress level.
Display confidence intervals on above plots
Display confidence intervals on the probability plot, survival plot, and cumulative failure plot.
Show different variables or by levels
Display the results for each factor level in a separate graph, in separate panels of the same graph, or overlaid on the same graph.
Pearson residuals versus event probability
Display a plot of the Pearson residuals versus the event probability to assess the appropriateness of the fitted probit model.
Deviance residuals versus event probability
Display a plot of the deviance residuals versus the event probability to assess the appropriateness of the fitted probit model.