Methods and formulas for trend tests in Parametric Growth Curve

Trend tests

With exact data, Minitab provides three trend tests:

  • MIL-Hdbk-189 (The military handbook test)
  • Laplace
  • Anderson-Darling

With exact data from multiple systems, Minitab provides the following trend tests:

  • MIL-Hdbk-189 (pooled)
  • MIL-Hdbk-189 (TTT-based)
  • Laplace (pooled)
  • Laplace (TTT-based)
  • Anderson-Darling

With interval data, Minitab provides only the MIL-Hdbk-189 test.

For information on how to calculate the test statistics for these tests, see Kvaloy and Lindqvist1.

1 J.T. Kvaloy and B.H. Lindqvist (1998). "TTT-based Tests for Trend in Repairable Systems Data, Reliability Engineering and System Safety ,60, 13-28.