Select graphs to display for Parametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring)

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Graphs
Probability plot
Select to display the probability plot, and then indicate how you want Minitab to plot identical failure times.
  • All points: Plot the cumulative percents for each occurrence of a failure time.
  • Maximum of tied points: Plot the maximum cumulative percent of identical failure times.
  • Average (median) of tied points: Plot the median cumulative percent of identical failure times.

To change the default method that Minitab uses to calculate points on the probability plot, choose File > Options > Individual Graphs > Probability Plots.

Survival plot
Display a plot that shows the percentage of items surviving at time t.
Cumulative failure plot
Display a plot that shows the cumulative percentage of items failing at time t.
Display confidence intervals on above plots
Display confidence intervals on the probability plot, survival plot, and cumulative failure plot. You can only display confidence intervals when you select Maximum Likelihood from Estimation Method on the Estimate sub-dialog box.
Hazard plot
Display a plot that shows the instantaneous rate of failure at time t.
Show different variables or by levels
Indicate how you want to display the graphs for each variable or each level of the By variable. You can overlay the graphs for each variable (or each level) on the same graph, or you can display each graph separately.
Minimum X scale
Enter a value to use for the minimum of the x-axis scale. If you do not enter a value, Minitab automatically determines the minimum value of the x-axis scale on the graphs.
Maximum X scale
Enter a value to use for the maximum of the x-axis scale. If you do not enter a value, Minitab automatically determines the maximum value of the x-axis scale on the graphs.
X axis label
You can enter a custom X axis label for the graphs.