Select the results to display for Parametric Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring)

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Nonparametric Distribution Analysis > Results
Select the results to display.
  • Display nothing: Suppress all tables, but store calculated values (if requested) and display graphs.
  • Variable information, censoring information, estimated parameters, log-likelihood, goodness-of-fit and tests of parameters: Display the major output for the distribution parameters and distribution fit, but suppress the table of percentiles, the table of survival probabilities, and the distribution characteristics.
  • In addition, characteristics of distribution, table of percentiles and survival probabilities: Display all the output.
Display analyses for individual failure modes according to display of results
Display the results that you selected above for each failure mode in the analysis.
Show log-likelihood for each iteration of algorithm
Display the log-likelihood at each iteration of the parameter estimation process. The log-likelihood is the expression that is maximized to find optimal values of the estimates. Log-likelihood values cannot be used alone as an index of fit because they are a function of sample size, but they can be used to compare two models with the same number of parameters.