Specify the graph display options for Nonparametric Growth Curve

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Repairable System Analysis > Nonparametric Growth Curve > Graphs
Event plot
Display a plot of events (failures and retirements) for all systems.
Display cost/number of failures on event plot
Display the cost or frequency of failures on the event plot.
Mean cumulative function
Display a plot that shows the mean cumulative function over time.
Mean cumulative difference function
Display a plot that shows the differences in the mean cumulative function across two or more groups over time. This plot is available only when you use a by variable to define multiple groups or samples.
Display confidence intervals on plots
Display confidence intervals on the mean cumulative function and mean cumulative difference function plots. By default, Minitab plots a 95% confidence interval. You can change the confidence level in the Options subdialog box. Minitab calculates confidence intervals only when you have multiple systems.
Show different variables or by levels
Specify how you want to display multiple graphs for different groups. You can overlay the different graphs on one graph, or you can display each graph separately. Event plots are always displayed separately.
X axis display
Minimum X scale
Enter a value to use for the minimum of the x-axis scale. If you do not enter a value, Minitab automatically determines the minimum value of the x-axis scale on the graphs.
Maximum X scale
Enter a value to use for the maximum of the x-axis scale. If you do not enter a value, Minitab automatically determines the maximum value of the x-axis scale on the graphs.
X axis label
You can enter a custom x-axis label for the graphs.