Event plot for Nonparametric Growth Curve

Use the event plot to compare systems and to determine whether successive failures are increasing, decreasing, or remaining constant. The event plot consists of the following:
  • Horizontal lines that represent the lifetime of each system
  • Data points that represent the failure and retirement times of each system
  • Cost or frequency values (if you provide a cost/frequency column) that represent the cost or frequency of failure at each time

Example output


For the brake reliability data, the event plot shows the following:
  • The first failure/repair occurred at approximately 20 days. For the type 1 brake component, all systems were retired by 730 days. For the type 2 brake component, most systems were retired by 500 days.
  • The time between successive failures (or repairs) appears to be fairly constant for all systems after failures begin to occur
  • A higher percentage of early failures occur for the type 2 brake component than for the type 1 brake component.