Store the results for Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring)

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Nonparametric Distribution Analysis > Storage

You can save results from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected results after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same result multiple times.

Enter number of levels in by variable
If you are using a grouping (by) variable in the analysis, enter the number of levels that the column of grouping indicators contains. Minitab stores results for each group.

Nonparametric Estimates

Times for probabilities
Store the times for the calculated probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the column STIM1.
Survival probabilities
Store the survival probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the column SURV1.
Standard error for survival probabilities
Store the standard error of the survival probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the column SESU1.
Confidence limits for survival probabilities
Store the confidence limits for the survival probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the columns CLSU1 and CLSU2.
Cumulative failure probabilities
Store the cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the column CFPR1.
Standard error for cumulative failure probabilities
Store the standard error of the cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the column SECF1.
Confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities
Store the confidence limits of the cumulative failure probabilities. Minitab stores the values in the columns CLCF1 and CLCF2.
Hazard rates
Store the hazard rates. Minitab stores the values in the column HAZA1.
Times for hazard rates
Store the times for hazard rates. Minitab stores the values in the column HTIM1.