Specify the censoring options for Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring)

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Nonparametric Distribution Analysis > Censor

Indicate how you want to designate the censored observations. You can censor observations individually, censor all observations after a fixed amount of time, or censor all observations after a fixed number of failures.

Use censoring columns
Enter the censoring column or columns. The first censoring column is paired with the first data column, the second censoring column is paired with the second data column, and so on. Each data column and its associated censoring column represent one sample, so those columns must be the same length. Different pairs of columns can have different lengths.
Censoring value
By default, Minitab uses the lowest value in the censoring column to indicate a censored observation. To use another censoring value, enter that value. Text values must be contained in double quotation marks.
  • Time censor at: Select to enter a censoring time for time-censored data. The value that you enter determines the failure time at which to begin censoring. For example, if you enter 500, Minitab considers any observation from 500 time units onward as censored.
  • Failure censor at: Select to enter the number of failures for failure-censored data. The value that you enter determines the number of failures at which to begin censoring. For example, if you enter 150, Minitab censors all (ordered) observations starting with the 150th observation, and does not censor any other observations.

For more information on censoring, go to Data censoring.