Define interval censoring for Estimation Test Plan

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Test Plans > Estimation > Interval Cens

Use interval censoring when you plan to inspect units for failures at pre-set intervals. You can space these intervals equally in time or in log time, or you can set intervals so that the expected number of failures in each interval is the same. For more information on interval censoring, go to Data censoring.

Number of Inspections
Enter the number of inspections.
Inspection Times
Indicate how you want to space the inspection times.
  • Equally spaced: Select to equally space the inspection times. Then enter the time of the last inspection.
  • Equal probability: Select to make the expected proportion of failures the same in each interval. Then enter the expected percent of failures for the entire test.
  • Equally spaced in ln time: Select to equally space the natural log inspection times. Then enter the time of the first inspection and the time of the last inspection.