Select the nonparametric analysis options for Distribution Overview Plot (Arbitrary Censoring)

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Distribution Overview Plot > Options

If you selected a nonparametric analysis, you can specify the following options for the analysis.

Estimation Method
  • Turnbull method: Estimate the parameters using the Turnbull method. Minitab displays a survival function plot based on Turnbull estimates.
  • Actuarial method: Estimate the parameters using the actuarial method. Minitab displays a hazard function plot and survival function plot based on actuarial estimates.
Show different variables or by levels
Indicate how you want to display the graphs for each variable or each level of the By variable. You can overlay the graphs for each variable (or each level) on the same graph, or you can display each graph separately.
Minimum and Maximum X Scale
  • Use default values: Use the values that Minitab automatically determines for the minimum and the maximum of the X scale.
  • Use: Select to enter a minimum value for the X scale or a maximum value for the X scale, or both.
You can enter a custom title for the graphs.