Interpretation summary for Distribution ID Plot (Arbitrary Censoring)

Use Distribution ID Plot (Arbitrary Censoring) to compare the fits of the following distributions: smallest extreme value, Weibull, 3-parameter Weibull, exponential, 2-parameter exponential, normal, lognormal, 3-parameter lognormal, logistic, loglogistic, or 3-parameter loglogistic. Minitab provides both probability plots and goodness-of-fit statistics.

To assess how using different distributions may affect your results, you can also compare the estimates of the percentiles and mean time to failure (MTTF).

Data description

A company set the warranty of its new type of muffler at 50,000 miles. The reliability group wants to assess the reliability of the new type of muffler and estimate the proportion of warranty claims that they can expect. The measurement of interest is the number of miles that are driven on the new type of muffler when the warranty claim is made.

Data: MufflerReliability.MTW.