Select the graphs to display for Demonstration Test Plan

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Test Plans > Demonstration > Graphs
Probability of passing the demonstration test
Select to create a probability of passing (POP) graph to help you choose a minimum value for the parameter you want to demonstrate. Then indicate how to overlay content on the graph when you enter multiple values.
  • Show different sample sizes/testing times overlaid on the same graph: Select to display different sample sizes or testing times overlaid on the same graph. This option allows you to easily compare percent and ratio improvement values for each combination of sample size and time.
  • Show different test plans overlaid on the same graphs: Select to display different test plans overlaid on the same graph. This option allows you to easily compare percent and ratio improvement values for different values of the maximum number of failures allowed.
Minimum X scale
To change the minimum value for the X scale, enter a value. If you do not enter a value, Minitab displays the X scale with the default minimum value.
Maximum X scale
To change the maximum value for the X scale, enter a value. If you do not enter a value, Minitab displays the X scale with the default maximum value.