Store statistics for Fit Cox Model with Fixed Predictors only

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Cox Regression > Fit Cox Model with Fixed Predictors only > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

For more details on any of these statistics, go to All statistics and graphs.

Statistics you can store

Martingale residuals
Minitab stores the Martingale residuals in the column MartingaleRes.
Deviance residuals
Minitab stores the deviance residuals in the column DevianceRes.
Schoenfeld residuals
Minitab stores the Shoenfeld residuals in the column SchoenfeldRes. Minitab stores a column of Schoenfeld residuals for each coefficient in the model.
Weighted Schoenfeld residuals
Minitab stores the weighted Shoenfeld residuals in the column WSchoenfeldRes. Minitab stores a column of weighted Schoenfeld residuals for each coefficient in the model.
Score residuals
Minitab stores the score residuals in the column ScoreRes. Minitab stores a column of score residuals for each coefficient in the model.
DFBetas (scaled score residuals)
Minitab stores the scaled score residuals in the column DFBeta. Minitab stores a column of scaled score residuals for each coefficient in the model.
Initial and final log-likelihood
Minitab stores the initial log-likelihood and the final log-likelihood in the column LogLikelihood.
Transformed event times for the proportional hazards test
Minitab stores the transformed event times in a column named for the transformation for the proportional hazards test. For example, for the identity transformation, the column is Event Time.
Minitab stores the coefficients in the column Coefficients.
Standard errors for coefficients
Minitab stores the standard error for the coefficients in the column SECoefficients.
Test statistics for coefficients
Minitab stores the test statistics in the column ZTests.
P-values for coefficients
Minitab stores the p-values in the column PValues.
Design matrix
Minitab stores the design matrix in a matrix called XMAT. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Variance-covariance matrix
Minitab stores the variance-covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Correlation matrix
Minitab stores the correlation matrix of the coefficient estimates. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.