Methods and formulas for the survival function in Fit Cox Model with Fixed Predictors only

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Survival function

The survival function uses the following definitions:

the distinct, ordered, event times
the number of events at time
the risk set at time , which is the set of all sample units that have yet to fail prior to time
the p-component vector of covariate values that represents a new or an existing data point

Given , the survival function for the Cox proportional hazards model has the following form:



The function estimates the survival function of an individual when the values of all the covariates are 0. The function is the Breslow's estimator of the baseline cumulative hazard rate. The function is a step function that jumps at the observed event times.

Confidence intervals

Under mild regularity conditions, the estimator has an asymptotic normal distribution with mean and asymptotic variance with the following form:



A direct Wald method confidence interval is available but is less accurate because the distribution of is severely skewed. In addition, the confidence limits of such intervals are often outside of the interval [0, 1]. The distribution of the logarithm of is less skewed and converges more quickly to the normal distribution. Minitab makes use of the following transformations to calculate the confidence intervals.

Log transformation

Minitab calculates a confidence interval for and back-transforms the confidence limits to provide the confidence interval for . Using this approach, an approximate 100(1 – α) confidence interval for has the following form:

where estimates the asymptotic variance of and has the following form:

If the upper confidence limit for exceeds 1, then Minitab uses 1 as the upper limit.

Log-log transformation

The log-log transformation guarantees that the confidence interval for is in the interval (0, 1). Minitab calculates a confidence interval for and back-transforms the confidence limits to provide the confidence interval for . Using this method, an approximate 100(1 – α) confidence interval for has the following form:

where estimates the asymptotic variance of and has the following form: