Methods for Fit Cox Model in a Counting Process Form

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For each subject let be the step function that represents the number of events that subject experiences up to time . Then represents a counting process for subject . Let be an indicator variable that has the value 1 if subject i is at risk at time t and 0 otherwise, which is equivalent to if and otherwise.

The Cox proportional hazards model assumes that the hazard rate at time for an individual with a vector of predictor values has the following form:

where is the baseline hazard rate that characterizes the unspecified distribution of survival time and is a p-component vector of unknown regression coefficients.

For example, a formulation of the Cox proportional hazards model as a counting process based on Andersen et al. (1993)1 and Fleming and Harrington (1991)2, assuming no tied event times, has a log partial likelihood with the following form:
The vector of partial derivatives with respect to the components of has the following form:
The p by p information matrix has the following form:
where the weighted mean of the subjects at risk at time has the following form:
This formulation of the Cox proportional hazards model is the multiplicative hazards model. The multiplicative hazards model has the following characteristics:
  • The subject can experience more than one event of interest.
  • The subject can experience an event multiple times. This statement means that the indicator variable that identifies if the subject is at risk, , can change states from 1 to 0 and back again multiple times.
  • The subject can enter the study after time 0. This statement is equivalent to the idea that a subject can enter the risk set after time 0. A time is left-truncated when the subject enters after time 0.
Therneau (1999)3 provides details on the counting process input form of data. The counting process input form of data provides a technique to fit the multiplicative hazards model with the the same algorithms that fit the Cox proportional hazards model.

The counting process input form

In the counting process input form, multiple rows represent each subject. Each row describes a time interval when the values of all the variables are constant. Time-dependent predictors change between rows. The intervals begin just after the start time and include the end time. The start time for the interval is the entry time for the subject. The end time is the response variable for the subject. The censoring column indicates any row where the end time is not an event time.

Correlated observations and the robust covariance estimator

Although multiple rows represent each subject in the counting process input form, only one row of the per-subject observations contributes to the likelihood at each time unless correlation exists among the observations in a subgroup that pertain to each subject. For example, the subject observations are correlated in models that include repeated or recurrent events. Lin and Wei (1989)4 propose an adjustment of the covariance matrix to account for the correlation among within-subject observations. Let be the matrix of score residuals. Then, the robust variance covariance matrix has the following form:

where and is the collapsed score residual matrix. To obtain the collapsed score residual matrix, replace each cluster of score residual rows by the sum of those residual rows.

An analysis that uses the robust variance-covariance matrix has the following characteristics:
  • Calculations for inferences use the robust variance-covariance matrix.
  • The Wald and Score tests in the Goodness-of-Fit table use the robust variance-covariance matrix. The likelihood ratio test in the Goodness-of-Fit table is missing because the likelihood ratio test assumes that the observations within a cluster are independent.
  • The ANOVA table can use only the Wald test.
1 Andersen, P. K., Borgon, O., Gill, R.D., and Keiden, N. (1993). Statistical models based on counting processes. Springer-Verlag.
2 Fleming, T. R., and Harrington, D. P. (1991). Counting processes and survival analysis. Wiley.
3 Therneau, T. M. (1999). Technical report series No. 53: A package for survival analysis in S.
4 Lin, D.Y. & Wei, L.J. (1989). The robust inference for the Cox proportional hazards model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84 (408), 1074-1078.