Censoring Information table for Fit Cox Model in a Counting Process Form

Displays information about the number of right-censored units. A response time is right-censored if the subject does not experience the event of interest before the study ends, or if the subject leaves the study before they experience the event. For example, a censored observation occurs if a unit functions after the test period or if a subject relocates to a new city and withdraws from a study.

By default, the censoring value is the lowest numeric value or the lowest ASCII value for text columns. If the table displays the event value to indicate censoring, rerun the analysis to change the Censoring value. For example, suppose your censoring column is Disease Free and the values are Yes and No. The event of interest is whether someone gets the disease. In this instance, Yes indicates a censored observation because the event did not occur. If the table shows that the censoring value is the default value of No, then rerun the analysis and change the censoring value to Yes.