The Andersen plot shows the hazard function for the strata. The
hazard function for the lowest strata numerically or the earliest strata is on
the x-axis. The plot includes a curve for each other strata with values on the
The 45° reference line on the plot shows what a curve looks like if the
following conditions are true:
The baseline hazard rate for
the stratum is the same as the baseline hazard rate for the stratum on the
The model meets the
proportional hazards assumption.
Use the Andersen plot to assess whether the model meets the proportional
hazards assumption across the strata. While each stratum has its own baseline
hazard rate, the proportional hazards assumption means that the effects of the
predictors remain the same across strata.
If the model meets the
assumption, the curves are straight lines through the origin. If the variables
do not need to be in the model, then the curves follow the reference line.
If the model does not meet
the assumption, then the model fit can be inadequate. You can consider whether
to build a separate model for each stratum so that in addition to the different
baseline hazard rates, the models also have different values for the
coefficients of the predictors.
If the model does not meet the assumption, then the shape of the curve
provides information about the relationship between the hazard function on the
y-axis and the hazard function on the x-axis. A concave curve is flat and then
increases more rapidly. A concave curve indicates that the ratio of the hazard
functions decreases with time. A convex curve increases rapidly and then
flattens. A convex curve indicates that the ratio of the hazard functions
increases with time.